Cult Leader – “Lightless Walk”Album Review


Before you tell me in the comments, yes I realize this album came out two years ago and yes I am still going to review it. To be blunt, I slept hard on this album. I didn’t even give it a fair chance. First listen I just thought “it’s okay but I would rather listen to Trap Them.” What the hell was I thinking. This album is a masterpiece. Continue reading

Interview: Jacob from Rule of Three

What would you say is Rule of Three’s biggest influences? 

Well I don’t speak for everybody in Rule of Three, but for me, inspirations include, The Germs, Lightning Bolt, Big Black, Television, Death from Above 1979, Iceage, Lower, Sexdrome, the list can go on but that’s just a few of them.

You mentioned a lot of Post Punk bands. What was your gateway into the world of Post Punk?

Growing up I thankfully had a lot of exposure to what, in my opinion, is good music. Bands I loved as a child that kind of helped me discover Post Punk would be Nine Inch Nails and New Order, and during the end of freshmen year I was listening to a lot of new wave. I was researching New Order and that is what led me to Joy Division. After seeing an Unknown Pleasure shirt, I assumed it was electronic due to the sound wave design and that it had members from New Order, but then I listened to the song Atmosphere from the Trainspotting soundtrack. I immediately thought it was one of the most beautiful songs i’ve ever heard. After listening to that I got more into Joy Division, and then eventually Gang of Four, Bauhaus, and Talking Heads.

What are your hopes for Rule of Three? 

As of right now? Maybe open for Chicago Noise/Hardcore band called Rash and try to play with as many bands as we can locally. Hopefully I can write a song that will be a sing along with the audience and me. in my opinion that’s one of the best parts of intimacy between a band and their crowd. But our hopes for right now is probably the same as any other band; play as many shows with many bands and try to get our name out there as much as possible.

Could you tell me about the song “Amber Alert”? Maybe it’s origin and what it’s about. 

Oh “Amber Alert” Laughs. Back when Joey (Guitarist) and I were really inspired by Have a Nice Life and it was just us two, we were sitting in his basement writing joke songs, our original song was us yelling “Brexit! Exit!” but we never finished it so I randomly yelled, with no context, “Amber Alert! Your kids are gone!” and we laughed it off. There’s a ten second video that exists of us playing it at our first practice.

Does Unorthodox have any influence on the band? 

The thing with Joey is he has multiple bands and due to this he has different styles which we all really admire. in short, his guitar playing in Porcupine is different than his playing in Rule of Three and so far with Unorthodox I don’t know honestly. Just right now we’re trying to have our Noise Rock elements in our songs but we also are a Post Hardcore band. Unorthodox is pretty out there, we’ll have to see where it goes with the writing process and let the audience judge for themselves.

Is there anything you would like to say about the Chicago local scene? 

So far It’s pretty healthy. I used to think punk is dead for a while, and in my opinion Chicago punk is the best scene. In the 70s and 80s with bands like Big Black, Naked Raygun, Strike Under, Articles of Faith, etc. It pleases me that there’s a lot of Chicago bands out there right now. I know we have a small lo fi punk thing going on with Diarrhea Sprinkles, Dead Drugs, Munch just to name a few. More bands include Rash, The Coldies, Ribbonhead, Fuck You Idiot, and Mace. They’re all amazing bands that make me proud to even say that I’m from Chicago.

What do you think makes the Chicago scene different from other scenes if anything?

Well back in the 70s and 80s, Chicago bands had a lot of post punk influence, while DC sounded super thrashy and California sounded more “punky” I guess if that even makes sense. Right now in Chicago, some of the bands try to stick to their roots of the post punk aspect or just straight up try to be unique in their own way, if that makes sense.

Yeah definitely, Thank you so much Jake. 

No problem!